I had my last day at work last Friday. Last days are always a little bit peculiar. The day started with my colleague clearing his desk after a Christmas prank we did on him. It included a lot of yellow ribbon and post-its. It was followed by a long lunch, Monty Python videos, being unable to do anything sensible, trying to give too much advice to my successor, when she really doesn't need it. (She's an intelligent young woman, after all. I think I'm having a hard time letting go). At four p.m., I hugged my colleagues, returned the company credit card, keys, phone and closed the door behind me. And felt a little bit wistful. After all, I closed the door on my silly little close-knit community, full of talented, funny and absolutely lovable colleagues - many of whom I call my friends.
So Monday morning I made a list of all of the things I need to do. Still there are dozens even though I thought that I've been pretty good at kicking my usually-on-the-lazy-side-of-things-butt. Fix insurances, bills to be paid, amend phone contract, clear out savings account, buy an arsenal of medicine, vaccinations, fix phone, renew passport, exchange dollars, spend hours on figuring out how to pack your entire life into one suitcase and thirty kilos and make it though three seasons of Kathmandu. And so on and so forth.
By the way, if you are planning to leave to a country where a different arsenal vaccinations (compared to your own) are needed, I highly recommend being born into a family where one of the family members is a doctor. It really helps. If you're not as lucky, please note that these things take time. A lot of time. And you may have to do research if the doctor you are visiting is not familiar with the region you are heading to. Luckily Nepal isn't one of those places where you will have to be vaccinated up to the ears. I've got the usual stuff from childhood vaccination programs, made sure that they were in order, was previously vaccinated for Hep A & B so really the only shots I need to consider are typhoid and possibly rabies. The latter isn't really mandatory as it can be given afterward as well.
I've also had the flu for about 2 weeks now and I am getting very, very sick and tired of it. How much phlegm can one's head hold? I have filled probably two trash cans with used tissue. Ick. And as icing on top, Monday night I managed to get even sicker with 39 degree fever. So, now I'm on antibiotics and the course will last until the day I leave. But, hopefully, at least I won't have to fly ill. And, since I'm living with my parents at the moment, having rented out my apartment from the beginning of January, I have the opportunity to whine and be pampered. (Muuuum, can you bring my medicine, I'm too sick to moooove? Daaaaaad, can you bring soda from the stooore?). I know I'm reverting to a bloody ten-year-old but I kinda feel so shitty that I don't feel very ashamed, even though I probably should.
But, to the real burning issue here:
As a result of my to-do-list, I have come to the realization that no, I will not have access to Spotify for 5 months. I have very, very little (new) music outside of Spotify and I left my CD collection in the apartment that I put up for rent, and my homesick cure is having music in Finnish for those days that nothing seems to go right. What the heck am I supposed to do now!? I really cannot afford to buy my computer full of music when I am facing 5 months of absolutely zero income. (And you betcha I will be feeling pretty stupid reading this in about 6 months and wondering what was this whining all about). I've also depended on Spotify for running. I _need_ music for running. Having handed back my fancy workphone, the whole Spotify won't be an issue anyway because my own very basic phone cannot hold more than 2 applications, so I wouldn't have have room for Spotify as it is. I choose Whatsapp and Instagram (had to give up Snapchat too, sniff).
I am slowly gaining an understanding on why people buy fancy phones. I will have to bring a camera (my huge digital SLR Canon), iPod & phone where as with one of those fancy-schmancy ones you get by with this single electronic device. Okay fine, the camera doesn't of course stack up to a proper one, but in most cases it really is enough. I'm not that good of a photographer. So, note to self: next time around, consider investing in a proper, fancy phone even though it costs an arm and a leg.
First world problems. God, I'm so happy I'm dragging my hiney to Nepal for some good kick in the butt perspective on life.
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